Sciences économiques
Fund industry in Luxembourg ; a practitioner guide
Danielle Sougné
- Larcier
- Cahiers Financiers
- 5 Mars 2013
- 9782804456924
This book is to be placed in an unexploited niche in the fund industry literature:
It has first to be distinguished from the main strand of the literature on mutual funds focusing on funds selection's methods and portfolio management strategies available to funds 'managers'.
This book aims at providing the readers with a comprehensive overview of the Luxembourg fund industry together with a better understanding of the mechanisms governing the interactions between its different actors. The goal is to enable the readers to better apprehend the functioning of industry as a whole from both a legal and practical perspective and to operate more efficiently within the industry.
As a consequence, the book must be distinguished from practitioner-oriented compilations of legal texts and references.
The contribution of renowned experts of fund industry in Luxembourg permitted to summarize the operating in Luxembourg. Consequently, this book aspires to become a reference on the topic. Students in Finance, Law and Management considering a career in the fund industry will benefit from this book by gaining a better understanding of fund industry as a whole, wich would improve their employability in this sector.
European banking and financial servives law + cdrom 2010
- Larcier
- 30 Septembre 2010
- 9782804436933
The initiative to improve the level of integration in banking and financial services law within the European Union, ongoing sine the end of the seventies, has been largely successful.
About 90% of the national laws regarding financial services are based on European law. The fourth édition of "European Banking and Financial Services Law", published by the European Association of Public Banks (EAPB) in co-operation with Editions Larcier, is a practical guide to the enrire field of EU Iaw in this area. The book approaches the financial subjects thematically. For Bach of the distinct areas of practical it offers a concise summary and the respective legislative historv of the applicable law, pending législation as well as issues under discussion.
A CD ROM enclosed with this book provides the full official versions of all Directives and Regulations published by the European Union in the fields of banking and financial services. The European Association of Public Banks (EAPB) represents the interest of various public banks, funding agencies and associations of public banks throughout Europe, which together represents some 100 public financial institutions.
The EAPB's specialised lawyers and economists monitor the European legislation in order to provide its member banks with information on EU financial law. Thanks to the co-operation with Editions Larcier, the EAPB's expertise is now at the disposal of a large public.
Le Livre d'or de l'excellence française est présenté lors de la remise annuelle du Trophée de l'excellence française. Ce livre est l'un des éléments de cette distinction. Il donne la parole aux quatorze personnalités élues pour l'année en cours, offrant à cet événement - ancré dans l'actualité parisienne - une extension dans le temps et à l'international. Bilingue français-anglais, dans cette première édition, il sera bilingue français-chinois, dans la perspective de l'exposition universelle de Shanghai de 2010, offrant aux personnalités qui s'expriment dans ses pages, l'opportunité d'une communication à l'échelle de la mondialisation dont nous vivons les prémices. Cette synergie entre une distinction et son extension littéraire en fait toute l'originalité.